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NGENLA is a prescription product for the treatment of growth failure in children 3 years of age and older who do not make enough growth hormone on their own. This condition is called growth hormone deficiency (GHD).

What is pediatric GHD?
What is pediatric growth hormone deficiency (pGHD)?

Pediatric growth hormone deficiency, or pGHD, is a disease in which a child doesn't have enough growth hormone. 

Growth hormone is a small protein that is made by the pituitary gland. This hormone is then released into the blood.

Growth hormone helps children reach their full height. You might notice that your child is growing very slowly. This may be a sign of pGHD. Children generally reach certain height milestones at certain times, but these can vary. 

If your child's growth is not in the normal range, your child's doctor may do some tests. He or she may also refer your child to a pediatric endocrinologist. This is a doctor who specializes in hormonal disorders.

Children with pGHD are smaller than others of their age and gender. They may also display signs such as:

• Looking younger
• Fat around the stomach
• Thin, delicate hair
• Slow tooth development
• Poor nail growth

Overall, pGHD is rare.
It affects 1 in 4000 to 10,000 children.
Are both boys and girls affected by pGHD?

Boys and girls are equally affected by pGHD. However, boys tend to be diagnosed more often. In fact, boys are diagnosed nearly 2 times as often as girls. 

Why is that? Many societies often find it okay for girls to be short or “petite.” They do not have the same view for boys. 

So, whether your child is a boy or girl, it is important to talk with the doctor if you feel your child is small for his or her age.

What can be done about pGHD?

The good news is that pGHD is treatable. If you have been told your child has pGHD, the doctor will monitor hormone levels and growth using growth charts, which show how much a person has grown over time. Growth rates vary from patient to patient based on a variety of factors.

One of the first steps the doctor may take is to prescribe a growth hormone treatment such as NGENLA for your child. Taking a growth hormone treatment should help your child grow. The goal of growth hormone treatment is to help children reach their height milestones.

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Create a personalized growth chart

A growth chart is a tool used by the doctor to determine if your child is growing like he or she should. It is created by measuring the growth patterns of many children over time. By tracking the height and weight of a large number of children, the growth chart allows the doctor to begin to understand if your child's development can be considered normal in comparison to children of the same age and gender.

To help track and keep a record of your child’s growth, enter your child’s information into the growth chart tool below.

Growth Chart

By using this tool, you are not submitting any personal information.

The information provided is created and controlled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000).

This website is neither owned nor controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer does not endorse and is not responsible for the content or services of this site.

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NGENLA is a prescription product for the treatment of growth failure in children 3 years of age and older who do not make enough growth hormone on their own. This condition is called growth hormone deficiency (GHD).   
  • Growth hormone should not be used in children after the growth plates have closed.
  • Growth hormone should not be used in children with some types of eye problems
    caused by diabetes (diabetic retinopathy).
  • Growth hormone should not be used in children who have cancer or other tumors.
  • Growth hormone should not be used in children who are critically ill because of some
    types of heart or stomach surgery, trauma, or breathing (respiratory) problems.
  • Growth hormone should not be used in children with Prader-Willi syndrome who are
    very overweight or have breathing problems including sleep apnea.
  • NGENLA should not be used by children who have had an allergic reaction to
    somatrogon-ghla or any of the ingredients in NGENLA. Look for prompt medical
    attention in case of an allergic reaction.
  • Some children have developed diabetes mellitus while taking growth hormone. Dosages
    of diabetes medicines may need to be adjusted during treatment with NGENLA.
    Children should be watched carefully if NGENLA is given along with glucocorticoid
    therapy and/or other drugs that are processed by the body in the same way.
  • In childhood cancer survivors, treatment with growth hormone may raise the likelihood
    of a new tumor, particularly some benign (non-cancerous) brain tumors. This likelihood
    may be higher in children who were treated with radiation to the brain or head. Your
    child’s health care provider will need to check your child for a return of cancer or a
  • Children treated with growth hormone have had increased pressure in the brain. If your
    child has headaches, eye problems, nausea (feeling like you are going to be sick), or
    vomiting, contact your child’s health care provider.
  • NGENLA may decrease thyroid hormone levels. Decreased thyroid hormone levels may
    change how well NGENLA works. Your child’s health care provider will do blood tests to
    check your child’s hormone levels.
  • Children treated with growth hormone should be checked regularly for low serum
    cortisol levels and/or the need to increase the dose of the glucocorticoids they are
  • In children experiencing fast growth, curvature of the spine may develop or worsen. This
    is also called scoliosis. Children with scoliosis should be checked regularly to make sure
    their scoliosis does not get worse during their growth hormone therapy.
  • Use a different area on the body for each injection. This can help to avoid skin problems
    such as lumpiness or soreness.
  • Growth hormone treatment may cause serious and constant stomach (abdominal) pain.
    This could be a sign of pancreatitis. Tell your child’s health care provider if your child has
    any new stomach (abdominal) pain.
  • In studies of NGENLA in children with GHD, side effects included injection site reactions
    such as pain, swelling, rash, itching, or bleeding. Other side effects were the common
    cold, headache, fever (high temperature), low red blood cells (anemia), cough, vomiting,
    decreased thyroid hormone levels, stomach pain, rash, or throat pain.
  • A health care provider will help you with the first injection. He or she will also train you
    on how to inject NGENLA.
  • Rx only

This site is intended only for U.S. residents. The products discussed in this site may have different product labeling in different countries. The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider.

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